Accredited Buyer's Representative

Professional Designation Course
Contact us today for course date schedule and pricing
Steps to obtain your ABR® Designation
Successfully complete the two-day ABR® Designation Course.
Successfully complete one elective course.
Submit the designation application detailing five completed transactions as a buyer's representative.
Be a member in good standing in both REBAC and NAR.
The overall goals of the Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR®) Designation course are to:
Prepare real estate professionals to represent buyer-clients in real estate transactions and provide the quality of service and degree of fidelity to buyers that sellers have customarily enjoyed.
Offer ideas and methods for building a buyer representation business.
Develop a self-customized tool for conducting a buyer counseling session.
Topics include:
Buyer Representation
Understanding Types of Agency Relationships
Creating an Agency Relationship
Client and Customer Relationships, Duties, and Responsibilities
How We Work with Buyers
Buyer Services
The Buyer Counseling Session
Offers and Negotiations
Building a Buyer Representation Business